When a loved one passes, you want to give them a headstone that showcases who they were – whether that be by the inscription you put onto it or the style that you choose. When it comes time to design the headstone, there are a few things to consider before the funeral:
Know the rules of the chosen cemetery
Something that may not initially come to mind, a cemetery will have certain rules and regulations based on the size, design and type of headstone that you want to install in it. For example, many cemeteries will not want you to install a large headstone. Before you design the headstone for your loved one, ensure that you contact the cemetery to ask what their regulations are.
Set a budget for the headstone
Headstones can be very expensive to design, so it’s important that you have set a budget based the material you have chosen, shape, its size and the manufacturing process - especially if you’re looking to design one that’s quite extravagant.
Choose a headstone type
There is a range of shapes and sizes of headstones available. From upright to flat headstones, you can find the style of headstone that’s right for your relative or loved one.
Headstones come in a range of materials, from bronze to marble, sandstone and granite. The longevity of the headstone will depend on the material you choose, as will the cost of it.
What you want to inscribe on it
Perhaps the most important consideration and memorial to your deceased relative is what you will inscribe on their headstone. Whether it’s a quote, a poem or simply the name and date of birth/death, there is a range of options as to how you can customise it.
For more Memorial resources, visit R Barlow Memorials Blog Page.
Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash